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Barbara & Tim Rigdon,
Pastors of The Well |  Contact


The Well is a Bible believing church. It's a place to get a fresh start. It's the place you've been looking for. We help people connect with God and learn the Bible in an atmosphere that's informal and non-traditional. We strive to love God, love people, and help others do the same. A place where you can come as you are, you will never leave the same.





Mission Statement


Our goal is to become a New Testament church that recognizes the 5 fold ministry and flows in the gifts of the Spirit. To promote a Relationship with God, not just rules and regulations.


To become a model revival church where people from all over the world can come and be touched by God. Once they have been not only touched, but changed, they are able to be launched out into the harvest field with the anointing of God.


To have a church that is multi-racial, representing a cross section of society from rich to poor from all nations, bringing people to a place of maturity in their Christian walk.To have these three main ingredients always predominant in every service:            

  • Dynamic praise and worship.             

  • Anointed preaching and teaching.             

  • Powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit.


To see the lost, the backslidden and the unsure come to a full assurance of their salvation. To break the mold of religious tradition and thinking. To be totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit for His leading and guidance as we lead others deeper into the Presence of God. To walk in the spirit of obedience. 


To realize our part of the body of Christ is to be ears. To hear what the Spirit is saying and obey it.


  • E: Equip

    • Equip people for the work of the ministry.

  • A: Activate

    • Activate the gifts of God in their life by the stirring of The Holy Spirit.

  • R: Release

Release them to be used by God. To teach people no matter where they have been, no matter what they have done or not done...God's Grace is enough and Love covers a multitude of sin. 


"Come as you are, you won't leave the same!"

A simple church motto based on a God-sized vision
and it reaps results week after week.

Pastor Tim Rigdon


Tim Rigdon grew up in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina where he was saved on his 22nd birthday. With his complete turn-about to Christ from his worldly lifestyle. Tim answered the call to preach July of 1992. Tim was a pastor for five years, before moving to the bluegrass state.


December of 1995, God called Tim to western Kentucky where he founded New Covenant Christian Center in Providence on March 3, 1996. He has served as pastor since day one.


He is a shepherd, but he is also a friend. This is a pastor that is approachable. His pulpit is placed on the same level as the congregation, which is a great representation of his humility. Our services are a team effort. His expression of love mirrors Christ, and it is felt when you enter the door.




Pastor Barbara Rigdon


Barbara Rigdon grew up in Leitchfield, Kentucky, where she was saved at the young age of 12 at a  revival a relative invited her to. This divine appointment resulted in a household salvation of her mother, younger sisters, and others at this same revival. This was the moment in time when she started her work in ministry (even at a young age).


She grew up out of poverty and dysfunctional home in her early years. Barbara has such a heart of compassion because she has been in the other person’s shoes. She has felt what it’s like to be homeless, hungry, and hurting. Her earthly father’s abuse and torment only made the love and joy received from her Heavenly Father all the more special and sacred.     click here to watch Barbara's heartfelt testimony


Years later (through God’s mercy), Barbara became power of attorney over her father and served as caregiver during his last days on this earth. She recalls the time she led her father to Jesus, and he asked her to pray for him. He said that he remembered her praying for him when she was a child. After everything that she went through with her father in the past she honestly did not want to pray for him, but prayed anyway. During that time He called on the Lord himself and asked for mercy on his soul. That was the only good memory she carries about her earthly father.


She encompasses a very caring and encouraging nature when she prays for you (you know that the prayer is genuine).


She was prophesied to years ago that she will marry a preacher one day. Regardless of what life she was born into, Barbara kept close to Christ and pursued a better life for herself. She is a graduate of University of Kentucky, and went on to her career of over 20 years in dentistry.





Together as a couple


In 2007, Tim and Barbara were married and share in the leadership as pastors. They are a great powerhouse of faith and compassion. Their musical gifts are used during the services as well, because they also lead the worship during the service.



Refocus efforts to the church and new name


In the summer of 2013, while running a successful barbecue restaurant, the Lord spoke to Barbara and Tim to downsize to a concession trailer and spend more of their focus on the church. The church at the time was in a state of decline. The building appeared deserted. The attendance dropped to less than 15-20 people, many Sundays with less than ten in the building. But the “faithfulness over the little things” reigned true.


God soon rewarded the couple’s faithfulness and added a few families to the congregation. Within six months of their focus redirected to the church, noticeable changes were seen. More people attending and the temple was literally cleaned out. A new logo and fresh identity was introduced. The church started its own Facebook page. The bell that can be seen in front of the platform was found in storage when cleaning out the basement at that time. The bell was then refurbished and is referred to as the “freedom bell” people at times during the service will ring it as an act of faith or act of praise.


Gradually for the past three years since the summer of 2013, you see that God has truly moved. Many souls saved and baptized. Because of the large number, baptism has become an event or a service in and of itself.


The platform that was once empty of other musicians and singers is now full and running over.


The outside and inside of the church has seen so many renovations, too many to name.  It’s an outward expression of the renovations in the leadership and whole church.


On December 31st, 2017 is was announced that we would undergo a name change. On February 17th, 2018 officially changed our name from "New Covenant Christian Center" to "The Well".



Sanctuary Relocation


Due to the lack of space in the 110 East Main Street location we had to seek a quick remedy to this need.


Our youth center building at 123 North Broadway Street sat vacant for a period of time and as our church grew we began to reuse the building as a youth center once again. The option was presented to switch buildings with church and the youth center.


Construction began after Labor Day in 2018 and we shared space with our youth at the 100 East Main Street address during the transition.


On April 14, 2019, which is Palm Sunday we will make the official switch in the relocation of our sanctuary to 123 North Broadway Street.


The 110 East Main Street location will be used as an Educational Annex and Youth Center.





The Well of Sturgis


In early 2019 The Well was approached by the Church of God of Prophecy about a possible expansion into Sturgis, KY. The Kentucky State office of the Church of God of Prophecy saw what God was doing at The Well at New Covenant in Providence, KY and wanted to partner with us in planting a "Well" church of Sturgis (Union County).


During this expansion The Well at New Covenant decided to simply drop "at New Covenant" from our name in Providence. We would call our church "The Well" and to clarify on social media we would specify the campus location along with the name (The Well of Providence / The Well of Sturgis).


The Well of Providence is not affiliated with any particular denomination and remains unaffiliated. The Well of Sturgis is part of denomination of the Church of God of Prophecy.


In mid of June 2019, The Well of Sturgis has had a few introductory services officially launched on Sunday, July 14th with weekly services at 6:00 p.m.. Learn more at:


Tim and Barbara Rigdon are pastors of both locations.




Pastors Trivia / Fun Facts:


They live in a house divided!

It’s true that the couple agree on many things in life. Truths about Jesus is not something they have ever wavered on. However, one fact divides the couple: Barbara’s a UK Wildcats fan and Tim's a Tennessee Volunteers fan.


The couple's not only co-pastors they are co-workers/owners!

When you don’t see them in church you may see them working out of a concession trailer in the area. They own and operate Rigdon’s Bar-B-Que where they serve pulled pork sandwiches, pork chops, ribs, and more. It’s not uncommon for people come to the window for pork but leave with a prayer!


Are you a graduate of “Tim”ology 101?

It's been said: “that you can bring the boy out of the country, but you can’t bring the country out of the boy!” Many times during the services, pastor will resort to a very common sense approach to the gospel. Pastor refers to these as “Tim”ology 101.


“Tim”-isms defined:

“All that and a bag of chips!” = Being vain, not expressing humility.

“King Jimmy Version” = Redneck’s take on the King James Version of The Holy Bible.

“Halle-lulu” = A hallelujah with a Hawaiian flair.

“If that doesn’t stir you up, your spoon done fell out ya bowl!” = What is happening currently should bless you regardless.

"Bless your pea pickin' heart!" = Even candidates for sainthood need a reality check!

"Don't get tore (or shook) out of your tree!" = Please do not get offended at what is being said.

"Shepherds outta smell like sheep!" = A pastor is not higher than his people or their dictator, he is in the fields leading the sheep.

"I'm just the donkey He rode in on!" = Like the donkey Jesus rode on Palm Sunday, a pastor is just a vessel God uses to transport His word.

"I don't need anybody to sweep off my porch" [or] "Sweep your own porch off!" = Mind your own business.

"Go out and moon the world!" = Allow yourself to reflect the Son to a dark world.

"You might have had more oil slapped on you than the county pig!" = You might have had experiences at the altar many times before, but what matters is what happens now.

"It's not all rainbows and unicorns!" = Sorry life is not perfect, 100% of the time.




The Well of Providence

123 N. Broadway Street

Providence, KY 42450



The Well of Sturgis

9271 US Highway 60

Sturgis, KY 42459



The Well of Dawson Springs

106 W. Railroad Ave.

Dawson Springs, KY 42408


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